Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Hello, followers! I think I should name you something more appropriate. Bark-lings! So I am a Dogger, a dog blogger. And today I made a daring escape with- "THE RED JEWEL". It is a small, red "Fire-beast" and it makes a horrible "Grrr" Growling sound. But "THE RED JEWEL" Is nothing, but ordinary. I have a traveling ground of my own, a weirdly-shaped area that is like a semi-square around a real square. The real square is where all my pack-members flourish. A small little hole in the patio wood (what alpha says is a fence) leads to my trampling area. "Fear not, I will remove the grass!" It is dirt, weeds and a bathroom. Oh, what a bathroom it is. Forgotten trees and pines remain there as well. Anyway, I took "THE RED JEWEL" there and Alpha growled, and barked like you never heard. "ACE!!" Anyway I was intrigued by it, and wanted a look at it. So I took it and ran. "Hm, this tastes weird. It has a strange shape.."  I mumbled. biting and chewing it (I didn't MEAN to harm it..) and running around my bathroom. My owners, chasing me around THEIR space, finally chased me into- my "yard" or "dog-run"(?) . I chewed and ran, ran, and ran. After about.. 4 sun movements (minutes) they had ALL gotten mad at me. Oh I don't know how long the whole thing was, but it was Long. Such a good game! Finally I lost when Alpha grabbed me and Shie-lo grabbed "THE RED JEWEL". Such a waste for a jewel. There is always a bright side, and this situation's one was that I got attention, and played a game!(With Alpha!)

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